Saturday, July 7, 2012

Exploration Career Agent Rewards

The career agents provide new players with a very good overview of the basic gameplay in EVE. The exploration career agent missions is a solid start for learning how to scan for anomalies or other players, if hunting down players for PVP or ninja salvaging is what you're interested in. Depending on the race of you character, each career agent will be different, but the rewards remain relatively the same.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ninja Salvaging Character - The Essentials

To get the ball rolling on ninja salvaging, you'll need to bring your skills up to speed in certain areas. Obviously, you'll need to train from scratch if you're a brand new or relative new character. Maximizing the Salvaging skill is a must and you have to have very good Astrometrics-related skills to be able to scan down ships faster. Additionally, to increase your survivability, you need very good navigation (speed, agility) and solid damage-tanking skills.