Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ninja Salvaging Character - Starting Out

The next new character venture that I would like to blog about is a salvaging character. Particularly, the ninja salvaging character. For a very new player to EVE Online, salvaging offers one of the best ISK returns. The ninja salvaging path offers a several interesting twists to the otherwise rather tedious profession.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Further Updates

After several months' absence, I finally got around to posting the last update to New Mining Character series. Although it is tough for me to keep daily updates, I will do my best to add more content regarding career paths in EVE other than mining in the near future.

With Inferno expansion rolled out, I can't get enough of the rocket/missile graphics. I am contemplating compiling a video showcasing rockets in fleet battles. Stay tuned!

New Mining Character Day 16 - The Retriever

The time has come to upgrade the mining cruiser to a dedicated mining barge. All of the skills have been trained and more than enough ISK has been earned. From this point forward, the only major step left is to train for the mining end game: The Hulk. The Retriever will provide a solid base whether you want to advance further in mining or just rely on casual mining for passive ISK grinding.