Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tormentor - Amarr Mining Frigate

The Amarr frigate line-up offers what could be considered the best mining frigate available if you value cargo space. The Tormentor is the only mining frigate that offers 3 low slots. The cargo hold on this ship starts off with 235 m3, but installing 3x Expanded Cargohold I rigs can bump up the cargo space way above 510 m3, depending on your skills, rigs used and how much ISK you're willing to spend on those rigs.

Aside from the standard 2x Miner I rigs in the high slots, you can install either a Survey Scanner I or an afterburner. The Survey Scanner I would be much more useful, but if speed is your thing, then an afterburner will do.

Tormentor also can deploy 1x drone. Unless you're mining in a 1.0 system where there are no pirate NPC ships (a.k.a. rats), it's worthwhile to use a defensive drone as opposed to a mining drone. Beware of venturing into systems lower than 0.7 security rating though, as the rats will get stronger and your one drone won't be able to destroy them quick enough.

The one major disadvantage of this Amarr mining frigate is that the Amarr do not offer any cruisers that are suitable for mining. The best mining cruiser available in EVE is the Osprey - a Caldari cruiser. That's why it becomes much more worthwhile to fly a Bantam (Caldari mining frigate) as you need to have Caldari Frigate skill trained to level 4 before training or upgrading to a Caldari cruiser. (Caldari Bantam Fit here). 

Otherwise, if you don't mind cross-training, then Tormentor will offer you great cargo capacity. That's very useful when you want to avoid jetcan mining and secure containers are not an option. Here's a general Tormentor fit and the skills needed to fly it.

Tormentor Fit

High Slots:
Miner I
Miner I

Medium Slot:
Survey Scanner I

Low Slots:
Expanded Cargohold I
Expanded Cargohold I
Expanded Cargohold I

1x of Light Scout Drone
(Hobgoblin I / Acolyte I / Hornet I / Warrior I)

Basic Skills Needed:
Amarr Frigate II (requires Spaceship Command I), Mining I, Electronics I, Hull Upgrades I ( requires Mechanics I), Scout Drone Operation I (requires Drones I)

Tormentor - Amarr Mining Frigate

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